Day 50


Well it only took 120 hours, but my wife finally got the results of her Covid-19 test today. Having left an urgent message on Friday, someone called back today. To be fair they were quite apologetic and explained that my wife should have been told that if she didn't receive a call within 24 hours to then assume that the test was negative.

I appreciate to call everyone would make it logistically difficult, but it isn't really fair on those that are already suffering, from being vulnerable, to leave them dangling for 24 hours, or in this case, a lot more...

Anyway, it was good news - so at least there is that worry out of the way for now.

In our ongoing attempt to find things to do, during shielding, we have been working on our back garden. It is a quiet little spot (most of the time), and is often full of little one's toys, so we have been putting lots of nice potted plants in, to add some colour to the garden. My wife's latest purchase is a new water feature, which arrived today and has been installed, it looked really good, just a shame the weather wasn't up to sitting out and enjoying it today!

While for the most part I try and ignore the news, it is good to see the death figures coming down. However, it is very easy to forget, that even though the figures are low each one of them is someone's mother, father, brother or sister - people very quickly just become numbers, statistics, dots on a graph! People need to stop and think about this occasionally, look around you and think how you would feel if one of those dots became someone you know...

The government, well Boris in particular, have come in for a lot of criticism today - the new slogan and roadmap sketch (on the back of a fag packet it seemed last night) have been the butt of many jokes. It is a real problem, as it appears the general public may think this is all over now, go back to work, go to the park, drive to a beauty spot, exercise outside all day if you want - none of these things really indicate "stay safe" - hopefully I am wrong, but this looks like a case of economics over health and shifting the blame if the figures go up onto the public. You can just see it, "well, we told you to be alert, you obviously weren't so it's your own fault you got the virus"!

Let's wait and see how we stand in 4 weeks time...

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