Day 49


Funny day today, the weather was actually a bit better than forecast, so we had a bonus day in the garden - it gave me the time to spend in little one's playhouse with him, while the wife did the ironing!

Little one has coped really well with the shielding process, but then to be fair, he doesn't really understand, as long as his basic needs are met he is happy! We have seen a few changes in him over the time we have been isolated, he is making a lot more held eye contact, and has now started bringing things to you, when he wants you to play with them, with him. All good positives.

We took the opportunity yesterday to get little one's hair cut. This is normally a massive challenge as he hates the sound of the clipper's or being held while his hair is cut, but between the pair of us we got the job done, and quite smart it looks too, although it makes him look even more mischievous...

The rest of the day was taken up with just doing the usual and then waiting for the latest Boris announcement!

And what a confusing let down that was, I'm not sure I need to go over the whole thing here, but safe to say nothing has actually changed for us. We will be here, indoors, safe, for as long as it takes...

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