Day 48


Well if yesterday was a bad day, then today was a Lou Reed day - a Perfect Day - I am sure, without digging back through my blogs that I have used the Lou Reed analogy before, but I have no shame in doing it again...! I can plagiarise myself if I want!

Started with a lay in, as little one decided to stay in bed 8am - not a bad start. We had decided as today was supposed to be the last of a decent spell that we would get little one's paddling pool out. By the time we got things sorted it was 11. We discovered a great way of filling his pool and keep him amused at the same time. We attached the hose to our parasol and had it cascade down into his pool. Little one thought it was fantastic, he was in his element, he may be non-verbal, but boy did he make up for it in squeals and the like.

We got a lovely surprise mid-afternoon, when my wife's daughter called round, with a selection of cream cakes, scones and custard slices, topped off with strawberries, raspberries and little post of jam - lovely!

After a chat with them, we then returned to the garden and the little one his pool. Having put the hose on again to amuse him the pool was full up, so I tasked one of the teenagers to tip water over little one from a watering can - something she quite happily did for about the next 45 minutes, while her sister watched on, grumpily! She might as well have stayed in her bedroom, for all she was getting out of being outdoors - as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink - enjoyment doesn't really appear to be in her vocabulary.

Having failed yesterday we managed to fire up the BBQ this afternoon, only to cook some burgers and heat up hot dog sausages, but it worked a treat, mind you it was a little smokey, but what the heck, we'll know for next time.

It was lovely, eating burgers, cream cakes and having a beer in our summer house - like I said at the top of the page - Oh, What A Perfect Day*

*didn't get to feed animals in the zoo though…!

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