Day 47


Today was a bad day...

Nationally, it was a day of remembrance and some celebration, as it was the 75th Anniversary of VE day. Celebrations had been cancelled and things scaled back, due to the virus, but it still seemed like a day of celebration. Locally people organised a tea party in the front gardens of our estate, socially distanced of course, music played and we could hear people enjoying themselves outside.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it was the occasion, seeing others out, enjoying themselves, or just one of those days my wife has now and again, but she had a really bad day. My daughter and partner brought their little one round, we exchanged pleasantries from the safety of our upstairs window, with our help he has learnt to blow a party blower - they came back later in the day after the garden parties had finished and it sounded like a duck coming our way, as he blew on his blower! He loves it, not sure his mum and dad will…!

My wife spoke to her mum on the phone and we used our new Portal to talk to one of her brothers, all quite nice, but all part of the reason why she had such a bad day.

It has become difficult for her as she believes it is her fault that we are stuck indoors, due to her condition - but to be honest, I am not sure I would be happy going out and about myself anyway, and think that our little one, while not officially on the vulnerable register, is also at risk, so wouldn't want to risk him coming into contact with the virus either.

To further exacerbate my wife's mood she still hasn't heard from the hospital regarding her test result. I rang the hospital and left a voicemail for someone to call her, but we have had no response. The annoying thing is I am sure they will say "has she got any symptoms, if not, then don't worry" - but you do worry, you worry because you have been doing everything you can to avoid the virus, you worry, because the hospital called her in asap to have the test done, you worry because you think no one is there, looking out for you!

It's quite hard to think of any positives from today - oh, I finished cutting down the plants in the front garden and planted the rhododendron that was in a pot in the back garden! Other than seeing my daughter and clan, that's about it I guess!

Tomorrow's another day...

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