Day 46


Well, 24 hours have passed and no sign of that bloody phone call from hospital. I am working on the principle that no news is good news. My wife isn't showing any symptoms, so I am more than happy the test will come back negative, when they eventually deign to tell her/us - it us, as we are a team. I know it is my wife going through the actual pain and discomfort, but at the same time it is both of us!

It just doesn't seem fair, when someone has a life threatening condition to then not keep to the timeframe set - it's all very well saying to people "try not to worry", but it's bloody hard not to worry, it's only natural to worry, even if you are sure that things are OK.

Understandably my wife has had a very bad day. She hasn't had too many of these recently. She did have a very bad time when she came out of hospital in January, but she got through that and was feeling generally better about things, even when the virus came along she managed to hold things together. Yesterday though tipped the balance and the scales haven't been balanced again yet...!

Other than that today has been another sunny day here in Kent, I've got some garden work done and finished cutting down a couple of the plants in the front garden - the brown bin is full once again, £39 well spent.

It's funny despite all that I've said, today, like so many days recently has gone really quickly. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day and we will eventually get the test result...!

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