Day 45


Well today started off just like any day recently - our little one had a nice lay in until 9am - mind you, not that we get a lay in, as my wife is still waking early! At least it meant we had time for a cup of tea and biscuits in peace - not that little one is a problem coming into our bed, but it is still nice to have that time to ourselves.

Anyway, he eventually woke and we did breakfast, it was then the phone rang - I could tell from my wife's face and the odd words that I could hear that it wasn't a good call - it was the hospital, and this was the day we had dreaded!

As a family we have been shielding for the last 6 weeks, in fact my wife hasn't been out for 7 weeks, the only time she has left the house is to go to the hospital for blood tests and every 3 weeks for chemotherapy! It was one of these visits that brought us to where we are today - someone at my wife's last chemotherapy session has tested positive for Covid-19.

"Can you get yourself to hospital as soon as possible, what time can you get here", these all sounded quite desperate words, though they were tempered with "hopefully nothing to worry about" - but it was something to worry about. My wife felt that all our good work could have been undone, in the very place where she felt she should be safe, in hospital.

Anyway, 40 minutes later we were in Maidstone, with my wife having a swab shoved up her nose and to the back of her throat, all the while sitting in the passenger seat of our car, being probed by someone who dressed like Darth Vader!

Results should be available within the next 24 hours. I tried to make all the right noises, you know, "symptoms normally show within 5 to 6 days", and "it's already 6 days since you came into contact with the mystery bug carrier". The truth is, until the results come in there is still that small percentage chance that something could go wrong - I'm 99.99% certain that she will be fine and I keep telling her that. Hopefully the phone call won't be too late tomorrow and it will be another sunny day in Kent and we can move on!

Clearly this is going to make my wife fearful of her future treatments, but apart from going in for a blood test in 3 weeks she has a bit of time away from hospital, so hopefully she will be able to face things when we get there!

Today, everything else we did was insignificant...

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