Day 44


Another late start today - it's funny, when people talk about a "new normal" I think, is this it, is this the new normal - getting up at 9.30, spending hours over doing, well nothing, having lunch, spending more hours over doing, well nothing. Having tea/dinner, spending hours doing, well nothing, then going to bed - rinse and repeat.

To be fair, it's not quite that dramatic, but it isn't far off - there are no boundaries to what we do, so as I have mentioned, we tend to look for things to either do, or buy to do - today, on top of our usual bits, before we even got out of bed, we had ordered 2 willow wands to be potted up - watch this space for further details...

Talking about ordering things, we ordered little man some bits, which arrived today. A light up dice, about a foot square, with remote control, arrived today along with a wobble chair. He just loves the wobble chair, it is like a spinning top that you sit in, and ideally by shifting your body weight you make it spin, unfortunately the last bit defeats him, so he sits in the chair and you have to spin him - bless him, he comes to you and holds your hand, taking you to the chair - he knows what he wants, but can't communicate it in words - it is great to see the joy on his face anyway!

The second delight of today was the arrival of our Facebook Portal - I know some people have it in for the likes of Facebook and Amazon, but it is clear to see that when things work, they work well. The Portal is a great bit of kit - gone are the days of holding your iPad 6 inches from your nose, giving the most unflattering fat face view, now you have the ability to sit the other side of the room, zoomed in as close or as far as you want! Brilliant...!

This is the device we tried to talk the in-laws into buying, but were dissuaded as they wouldn't get it - for me though, it is a great way, at this time, or for that matter any time, to keep in touch and see each other - did I say it was brilliant?

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