Day 43


Had a pleasant start to the day when little one decided to sleep in until 9am - this is almost unheard of, he's normally a 6 to 7am kind of guy! Mind you, like everything these days, it was a double edged sword - as my wife had been awake since 4.30am, the steroids she takes play havoc with her sleep and she is invariably awake early for the 5 nights after treatment.

The steroids not only cause her insomnia, but they mess up her appetite, as she gets very hungry, I am sure we are not alone in this at present, but we have both put a few pounds on! Emotionally she is shot too. Clearly having cancer is a big enough knock, but then having the virus out there has really thrown her and messed with her head big time!

Anyway, little one eventually deigned to wake up and the day started, well sort of. We had our usual Asda food shop booked for between 10 and 11 and once again there were loads of no-shows and substitutions. The delivery didn't arrive until just before 11, then we had to go through the ritual of wiping every packet down before putting in the fridge or cupboards - we've not been outside, other than to the hospital, for the last 6 weeks, so it is difficult to know what others are doing as a ritual these days, but it is surprising how quickly you get into a routine - one I can't see us getting out of any time soon.

My wife has long been an expert in home shopping, but this period of shielding has given her extra time and incentive to find new things to buy. Tomorrow we are expecting a unit for our hallway, that's a job for me to do! From there we are expecting a new water feature - there was nothing wrong with the one we had really, except it wasn't loud enough! Hopefully the neighbours will appreciate the new improved, super noisy, water feature - actually to be fair it probably won't be massively louder than what we have already got, but it's looks nice on paper, and it's new.

So today, laying in bed she decides to order a Facebook Portal, again this is another of those strange things where people change. Not so many moons ago my wife looked at me as if I was strange when I bought her a tablet, then even more weirdly with the arrival of her smart phone, now she is fully up to speed with the electronics, so the Portal seemed like a natural progression. Hopefully we will be able to make good use of it while we are locked away...

It will be nice to see people, if not in person, but at least on a screen, just a shame we couldn't persuade the in-laws that it was a good idea, as my wife really misses seeing her Mum and Dad...

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