Day 42


Six weeks down, 42 days, 1008 hours... not doing the minutes and seconds! Mind you, it does seem to have gone by quickly, quite surprising really as apart from the hospital appointments we haven't gone anywhere for 6 weeks!

Had a reasonably productive day today - I spent an hour or so butchering, sorry pruning, the shrubs in our front garden, it was good to get outside in the sunshine, doing something productive. Mind you, the whole time I was standing there I had one eye looking over my shoulder in case anyone came up behind me. 

I think spending so long indoors has really made me paranoid, fearful for what could happen. To be fair, all I saw in the time I was outside was one man on his pushbike and then the same man coming back, and credit to him he stuck to the middle of the road when he came past.

Well, the end result, I've filled another brown bin with garden stuff and the front garden is gradually getting sorted, mind you I won't be able to do anymore now for 2 weeks, when the bin is emptied again... something to look forward to.

Fresh from my exploits in the front garden I got the garden hoover out to pick up the assembled dropped leaves in the back garden - again, it gives you a sense of job done, which is particularly important at the moment - having a purpose in life, however trivial it may seem.

We finished our day off with a lovely treat. We got to Facetime our little one's foster mum - this lady is a fantastic example to us all, and is absolutely amazing when it comes to looking after children. She gave our little one a fantastic start in life, a start he so badly needed. We have kept in touch with her in the 3 years since he came to us and really miss seeing her, so it was an absolute treat tonight to be able to see her and talk to her face to face, so to speak.

When this is over, we are so looking forward to Spaniels...

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