Day 41


It's been a lovely day here today in Kent, which has been nice as it is good to get back out in the garden. Everything just seems that little bit nicer, and more simple when you can get a bit of sunshine on your face!

I spent time pottering around the garden, dead heading the bedding and pot plants - I have to say there is absolutely no excuse for us not having a brilliant display this year, such is he TLC that our plants are getting.

We spent some time sitting in the sun, before having lunch, again in the sun, all seemed really good. It has been quite amazing over the past few weeks how quickly time goes, despite doing little, admittedly we haven't rushed to get going any day, but time just seems to rush by...

I did say to my wife today that I appear to be getting a little bit touchy, with silly things, like people who don't ring you back, or having to make the same phone call or send the same email several times before you get a response - I know normally these things wouldn't really bother me that much, but at the moment it just seems everything is magnified, every problem doubled.

I have talked before about our little man having problems. Bless him, he hasn't had the easiest start in life and he has a lot to battle with going forward. One of his foibles is he has pica, this is when someone eats or chews things which aren't really edible.

Well little man has decided he will eat anything that is rubber. We previously bought him stick man chew toys, to help him, but unfortunately his stick man is now a double amputee, having had both his legs chewed off! He also chews the rubber casing for his tablet, and the foam mating on the walls of his playhouse - it is an endless job trying to stop him, to the point where you almost have to just let him get on with it! It all comes out the other end, so we're not too bothered about any harm, just that everything is showing signs of teeth marks and are slowly getting ruined.

It's a challenge, but one we can live with, we just want him to be happy...

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