Day 40


Well, it does seem like every day is the same as the previous and probably the next, but woke this morning and really didn't have a clue what day of the week it was, not that it really makes that much of a difference, but for a few minutes it was Saturday! Then realisation struck - oh well, never mind...

I did wake up to that early morning cup of tea (well coffee), my wife, as expected woke early - the steroids kicking in - waking her up at 4.30am, fortunately she gave me another hour before bringing the drinks and biscuits up..

While it means waking up early, it is nice having this bit of time where it's just the two of us. It doesn't happen very often, especially in these current times, where we are living on top of each other, it is difficult to get time to be a couple, like we used to be. Everything has been a mess over the last 8 months or so, so these are precious moments.

Little man soon joined us in bed, but this is also nice, as he is such a pleasure and clearly loves this start to the day, where the 3 of us enjoy biscuits in bed and a bit of Teletubbies!

Readers of this blog will know the ongoing saga of the food parcels that we keep getting delivered.  My wife, being vulnerable qualifies to assistance, in this case in the form of food parcels - which we gratefully accepted when this whole mess started as we couldn't get supermarket shop deliveries.

However that has now changed and I have made several phone calls, and send emails, yet, like the Martians from War Of The Worlds, still they come! We have decided if this happens next week I am going to break my shielding and chase the van down the road, throwing apples and carrots at it, until they finally get the idea we no longer require these parcels - we were very grateful for them, but please stop!

Back to the important stuff of the virus - as if we could forget - the government have made yet another one of their wishy washy, ill thought out comments - with Boris proclaiming at yesterday's press briefing, that "wearing masks might be useful" - great advice, but what does it mean.

Are they expecting members of the public to buy masks, or will it be face coverings, for example a scarf over the mouth and nose - and who is going to police this if it is made mandatory? I am sure the police have better things to do, or is the expectation that the public will police it, shaming people seen not wearing a "mask" - time, I guess will tell, but as usual, a throw away comment becomes government policy and leaves others to work it out and pick up the pieces...

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