Day 4


Day 4, "in the house"... funny how you quickly get into a routine of pre supposed normality! We have now got a little routine first thing whereby I go downstairs and make tea and coffee for my wife and I and the little one comes into bed with us!

We then spend the next hour, drinking our drinks and munching on biscuits, while little one watches Peppa Pig or some such on the TV in our bedroom. In reality after half an hour it is normally my wife and I watching the kids programmes, while little one is throwing himself off the bed, as he does!

Well, after spending hours building, what I thought was a fantastic climbing frame for our little one yesterday, we have decided it is too dangerous for him. He has autism, amongst other conditions, and has zero understanding of danger. When we ordered the climbing frame, advertised as "my first climbing frame" we didn't fully appreciate the height or size of it. A zero understanding fall could have serious consequences, especially at this time - an A&E visit is definitely out of the question.

A large part of Day 4 was therefore taken up undoing what I did on Day 3 - and is now neatly stored in our garage awaiting a time when we can sell on! Our little one wasn't in the slightest bit bothered, he still has his trampoline, which he spent best part of an hour and half bouncing on yesterday morning - so much so that he wore himself out and fell asleep mid afternoon and had to be woken to have tea after a 3 hour kip...!

Strangely enough we had put a film, Toy Story 4 on, for little one, before he fell asleep so wife and I sat and watched it instead. You can't beat Disney Pixar, they have made some cracking films, so much so that we have now bought the Disney+ app (other streaming services are available), so think we may be catching up on the back catalogue of Disney films, during our isolation!

Still didn't have any joy with Sainsbury's and registering us as vulnerable by telephone, but did get a very nice email from Mike, the CEO of Sainsbury's letting me know that he was thinking of us, well not us personally, and would be contacting us as they now have access to the Government database of names of the vulnerable.

8pm brought a rare moment of joy. Where once they echoed to the sounds of cars rushing by, tonight it was replaced by the sound of applause. People opened their front doors or windows and clapped, clapped in support of the valiant staff of the NHS, those on the front-line, putting themselves in harms way. It was a fantastic spontaneous show of support, repeated all around the country and just for a few moments united people, locally and nationally.

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