Day 39


Well today should have been the day, a day of celebration. Today was the last full cycle of chemotherapy for my wife's Lymphoma. The most recent scan she had indicated good progress in terms of reduction of the tumour and within the next 6 to 8 weeks she will be having another PET scan, which should hopefully show up if the treatment has worked as well as they believe it has. My wife's blood results have been good, with one small blip, so the signs all look good.

The problem now though, is because of the type of cancer she has she will have to continue to have a treatment every two months, not full chemotherapy treatment, but use of one particular drug, Obinutuzumab, which is a targeted immunotherapy drug. It is this targeted immunotherapy which will continue to make her immune system compromised, although the system should partially recover between each treatment. This will be ongoing for two years, so for her the need for a vaccine is even more important!

The only upside of my wife being "out" for the day, is I get to spend  quality time with our little one - he's a funny little man, despite his many problems he's not very demanding and generally is a pleasure to look after. His needs are simple, in as much as if he is fed, watered, played with and given a sufficient dose of Cbeebies then he is more than happy - throw in some time on his trampoline or in his playhouse then he is well away...!

I did also get a chance today to try and catch up on some of the outstanding calls to attempt to claw some money back on the holidays we have had to cancel - it appears that many holiday companies are trying to fob customers off with vouchers/credit notes, or no refund at all, but it looks like there may be some support coming from the Competition and Markets Authority, who say that if a holiday is cancelled due to travel restrictions in place from the government, then a full refund should be forthcoming - watch this space to see what results I get...

Tonight will probably be another restless night, as my wife suffers badly from insomnia on the night of chemotherapy and the next 4 nights while she is on steroids, as long as she brings me a cuppa in bed I don't mind being woken early!

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