Day 38


Today was a quiet day, sort of, nothing much happened, no phone calls, no visitors, although we did speak to my daughter, her partner and their little man. As has become the routine now he enjoys being given a treat. We left some bits in our air lock (porch), and he picked some chocolate, a Smartie egg which appears to be his favourite at the moment.

It's nice seeing people, even in this strange fashion, leaning out of our upstairs window, it seems a long time since we had anyone into our house and seems even further away before we will again, so for the meantime we will just do what we have to...

I did take the lull in proceedings to have another go at karaoke this afternoon. I am trying to whittle down the many discs I have got, full of tracks that I either can't sing, or can't remember. Mind you, I did find a few tracks that I hadn't sung for a while - our little one loved joining in again, bouncing around in front of me, laughing his head off - he's a harsh critic!

For the second day running I got to have another go at a virtual pub quiz. This one was organised by the brewery Greene King and was fun! After a ropey start I did manage to finish 158th out of 2900, not too bad for the first time and on my own... will give it another go next week.

Expecting a disturbed nights sleep tonight, as my wife goes in for her last chemotherapy cycle. It seems a long time ago that she had her first, back at the beginning of January, and a lot has happened in that time...

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