Day 36


Well, I apologise, but I do take full responsibility - today was supposed to be another lovely day in Kent, but I went and spoilt that by road testing the BBQ this morning - it all worked fine - cue the instant rain! OK, so the rain didn't last long, but it clearly wasn't BBQ weather here today, which is a real shame, as the previous 5 or 6 days had been.

Never mind, I am sure (fingers crossed) there will be plenty of nice days this summer to allow me to offer up burnt sausages and burgers and possibly even undercooked chicken!

We started our day with the usual tea and biscuits in bed and then waited for our Asda delivery. I mentioned this last week that I wasn't sure that having a Monday delivery was the smartest move, as their appear to be a lot of no shows on the delivery, mind you there were no weird substitutions this week - which is something I guess!

Had a couple of conversations today with social services today with regards our little one. We have been waiting for his EHCP (education, health and care plan) to enable him to get a placement at a local special needs school. Having chased them up last week, as they have gone way past the prescribed dead line, I got a call today to say that the draft had been submitted. I then got a copy to read, and a copy was being sent off to the prospective school.

The report made quite difficult reading, as while we are aware of our little one's problems, it is different when you see it put down in black and white, especially when many of his gradings mark him at the level of a 10-12 month old, at 3 and a half years of age.

I then had a call from little one's social worker in Brighton. The 3 years since he came into our care is up, and they now want to hand him over to the local authority, KCC, which is a real shame, as our experiences with them have not been good - hopefully we won't need their services too often!

Finally, I gave in to temptation and got my karaoke machine fired up today. Seeing all the people on Facebook and the like serenading their streets during lockdown has given me the itch to perform again. I do love a bit of karaoke, though I am not sure the neighbours can say the same - but hey, what the hell, they sure as heck aren't going to knock on my door to complain, are they...!

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