Day 35


Five weeks down, not that I'm counting (much) - the last week has really flown by, let's see if the next goes as quick, especially if the forecast is to believed and the weather is going to break - a real shame, as the last few weeks have been really good and allowed us to use our outside space to good advantage.

Today was another tea, biscuit and TV start - it's amazing how this uses up a large part of the morning, so that by the time we get up and going properly we're heading for lunch!

We were able to get in the paddling pool again today, I had topped up the water, so it was nice and warm when we got in. Little one absolutely loved it, and was in his element, splashing and generally making loads of noise. He even managed to float, resting his hands on the bottom of the pool, his legs floating behind him - I think when this is all over we need to try and find someone who can teach swimming to an autistic 3 year old - well probably 4 year old by then. It wore him out again, and he was in bed again by 6...

I had a task to complete this afternoon - as we had bought ourselves a gas BBQ - with the lockdown going on it has been noticeable, by the smell in the air, that many people round our way, within smelling distance, have BBQ's and have been making good use of them - so sod it, let's join them! All a little strange though, as my wife has always said she's not keen on BBQ's.

Anyway, I managed to get the job done this afternoon - though I must admit when I bought the thing I didn't realise it would be self-assembly. Another one of my bug bares, instruction manuals, if you can call them that, for self assembly. It seems the days of giving you written instructions have long gone, now you just have a series of badly drawn pictures that may or may not be of help... Well, it's gone together, so just needs road testing tomorrow - hopefully I will come back here to let you know how it went!

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