Day 33


Today felt like a bit of a Lou Reed day - A Perfect Day. Little one came into bed with us and we had tea and biscuits in bed. A nice leisurely start as we then didn't get up until nearly 8.30 - lazy eh!

I've mentioned this before, the pace of life has completely changed. There just simply is no rush - what is it the Spanish say manana - everything can now be done tomorrow! I guess it never really mattered if things were done at a particular time or day, it just seemed like it mattered, but clearly it never really did.

I had a message to say that my delivery was due today, trouble was, we couldn't figure out what the delivery was - I currently have a garden gate and some beer outstanding. The gate isn't due until May 4th, and the beer shouldn't be here yet - so an element of surprise involved.

Before the delivery I had been tasked to go to the in-laws to drop off some supplies that my wife had ordered. This was another of those scary moments, going outside. Mind you, it was only a case of driving the mile to there's, drop a bag at their door and come away, so no chance of coming into contact with anything untoward - job done.

Back to the excitement of my unexpected delivery - the anticipation was quelled though when a large box turned up - this clearly wasn't my beer - but it was the garden gate - at least it has given me another job to do

We had lunch in the garden and then opened up the pool for little one to have a splash, and boy did he. At one stage he appeared to be actually swimming across the bottom of the pool - I know some things are innate and I truly believe this is one of them. Given the opportunity I believe that little man could teach himself to swim. It would be very difficult for someone else to teach him, as he doesn't understand instructions, so it would be down to his own innate abilities!

We then dried off in the lovely April sun and discussed the future, not so much for us, but for others. When will people, go back to work, when will they start going on holiday again, in particular foreign holidays. Again, one of those things I have mentioned before again is the lack of cars parked outside in our road or the number of vehicles about when I take my wife to chemo - but sitting out in the garden something else has struck us, how few aeroplanes there are in the sky at the moment. We live below, what I assume is one of the flight paths for Gatwick and up unto a couple of months ago there was a lot of sky traffic, now, next to nothing... the world is changing indeed.

Little man then spent best part of an hour bouncing on his trampoline, while the wife and I made use of the newly kitted out summer house. He loves his trampoline and it tires him out, although sometimes it is then difficult to keep him awake for his evening routine, tea and bath - unfortunately this was one of those occasions. He just about managed to finish his tea before he fell asleep leaning on me on the sofa - in bed by 5.45 - only time will tell if this is going to be a good night's sleep or an early wake... I'm guess my opening to tomorrow's entry will reveal the answer to that question...!

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