Day 32


Today was one of those funny days, it started off slowly, as do most days at the moment, waiting for a Facetime call with little one's sister - it was nice seeing people from afar, who we haven't seen for a while, and probably won't for some time to come.

It was a lovely day in Kent again, so nice that we cracked open the brand new super duper 3D paddling pool for our little one. As paddling pools go, this is a fairly big one and took ages for me to blow up with a foot pump, but it was worth the wait.

As soon as the pool was blown up and water started to go into it, our little one wanted to get in, it got to the point where we just couldn't keep him out, so gave in and put his costume on him, while the pool was filling - he absolutely loved it, being in the pool with water spraying over him - simple pleasures eh!

The wife and I then joined him. It was lovely, the 3 of us sitting in the pool, sitting in the sun - seemed like just another day, any day, but as we all know, it isn't.

The older two girls then had a spell in the pool, and sat like book-ends - what's that old adage, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink - in this case, you can lead the horse to a paddling pool, but can't make it have fun! Well, we tried...

The funny (not as in funny ha ha) part of today came later. My wife and I love a hot tub, we have had our own, inflatable tub for the past few years, but with my wife currently going through chemotherapy she has been advised she can't use hot tubs now - so we had to take the regrettable decision to sell it. Another one of those things that makes you realise that things aren't quite the way they were, although on this occasion, this isn't the fault of the virus..

The upside of today, the little man didn't have a sleep today, so was worn out by late afternoon. We managed to keep him going, with an early bath and playing with him. He went up by 7.30, which meant for once I was able to do our evening Tai Chi session in peace, which is rather the idea of it - I do love the feeling the Tai Chi gives, so it was nice to get time to do this properly…!

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