Day 31


It has only taken 4 and a half weeks, but it finally happened, the girls came out of their bedrooms today for something other than a meal...!

It was a lovely day again here in Kent, the sun was shining and we blew up little one's paddling pool and topped it up with some nice warm water. First off, the pool was a lot bigger than we expected and was one of those ones where you only blow up the top ring, then the pressure of the water keeps it stable once it's filled up.

With the hose connected it soon filled up - little one absolutely loved it, he splashed like there was no tomorrow, we didn't even mind when he tried to drink the pool dry, unlike when he used to get in our cool (hot) tub, as there were no chemicals to harm him...

As I said, the girls came out and played with little one for a while, had an ice cream and a drink - all in all it was quite a good afternoon. I even got in the pool myself! Mind you, after a couple of hours normal service was resumed and they disappeared back to their bedrooms, not to be seen until tea time - oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day.

We had been looking at a Facebook Portal, as we thought this might be a great way for my wife to keep in touch with her mum and dad, as she has missed seeing them over the past 4 weeks. They talk every day on the phone, but it's not the same as actually seeing someone.

After getting all excited about it my wife spoke to her mum who pretty much blew the idea out of the water. To be fair, they have struggled to use the recording facility on their TV set-up, so it's possible the technology involved here might have been too much for them...

We are keeping up our daily Tai Chi sessions, with mixed success with little one - the last couple of days he was quite happy to watch and laugh at us as we did our 15 minute session, today however, he just wanted to crawl between my legs or hang onto my hands as I was trying my best to look like I knew what I was doing. Think tomorrow we may have to do our session once he has gone to bed, so I can execute my Sleeping Monk properly!

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