Day 29


One of the things about being locked up is that little things annoy you (well they do me), also being indoors 24/7 you tend to find you get a routine and rely on that routine to keep things normal and controlled.

Today was both a routine day and also an annoyance day - today was Asda food shop delivery day! Now it may have been a mistake to book our regular delivery slot for Mondays, my feeling was that Monday would be a good day, as the store would have had Sunday night to restock the store - however, judging by the amount of no shows and substitutions on our shop then Monday isn't such a good day!

We have never really had too many problems with the deliveries and I understood the unavailable items when the stores had been stripped bare, but today seemed different for some reason.

I can only assume today's order was picked by a newbie - we ordered 2 cucumbers and got 2 lettuces - ok, its a salad vegetable, but we had already put 2 Romaine hearts and 2 bags of shredded lettuce on our order - how many bloody lettuces did the picker think we wanted?

I love my Tiramisu for pudding after dinner, and was looking forward to one today - but no, Asda felt that a good substitute for Tiramisu was Strawberry Yoghurt! Yes, that well known Italian desert, yoghurt...!

Finally, the funniest one - I had ordered a punnet of cress, you know one of those dinky little punnets that look like you have grown the cress yourself on a piece of cotton wool on your window sill. Now I love a bit of cress in my egg rolls - I wasn't quite so impressed again, with the substitution for cress - a packet of bloody watercress - well it's got cress in the title, but that's about where the similarity ends - mind you it was quite nice in my salad tonight!

Other than the trials and tribulations of shopping deliveries today has been a bit of a lazy day. Weather has been pretty good and the little one has been able to get out in his playhouse and on his trampoline. It was nice enough for the wife and I to sit out and have our lunch and an ice-cream - yes another one - once this is all over I think we won't be alone in needing to diet. Though to be fair, think it is the least of our problems really, and if putting on a few pounds by eating well and having the odd drink is a problem, well that is a problem I can live with...

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