Day 28


Well that's 4 weeks done - doesn't seem like 7 days ago when I was saying 3 weeks done, but clearly it was! It is quite surprising how quickly the time has gone. There have been days that have dragged, mainly those where the weather hasn't been too good, but all in all it hasn't dragged too much!

I guess it does help that we have been getting up a lot later than we would normally. I guess in everyone's drive to be somewhere in a hurry we all tend to get up early, because we feel we should, not necessarily because we need to, but we feel we should. Well, that has certainly changed in our household - we started the day off with tea and biscuits in bed, with little man watching Teletubbies on the TV in our room.

A nice leisurely start was continued with little one not going into the shower for his morning ablutions until nearly 11 - just about gave us time to have a bit of time in the garden before making lunch - well that was another morning gone in a blink.

Having had a restful morning we decided to follow this up, as The Small Faces sang, with a Lazy Sunday Afternoon - we watched yet another action movie in the shape of Mission Impossible - The Fallout. I might not like Tom Cruise's taste in religions, but he does make a good action picture - clearly highly unbelievable, but still good fun.

To finish the day off the wife and I did something we haven't done for nearly 6 months - no not that - no we did Tai Chi. We had got into Tai Chi in quite a big way in the middle of last year, but when my wife began feeling unwell we stopped doing it, and just haven't found the motivation to restart.

Today was different, my wife said, "let's do it" - we had previously found a good Tai Chi teacher on YouTube, an American guy called David-Dorian Ross. He has a superb delivery and makes it very easy to follow. He does lessons for all ages and abilities.

We managed to carry out one session together, a nice 15 minute exercise that was a nice gentle reintroduction to Tai Chi. My wife did manage to do a second session, trying out a 10 minute sitting exercise. I did try to join her in this, but our little one decided this would be an ideal time to climb all over me. It's quite hard to Sink your Qi when you have a 3-year-old climbing on your back and throwing himself over your shoulder - I gave up and let my wife carry on.

I'm hoping this is something we can now carry on with, as I feel it will be a good way to help us get through the next however many weeks...

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