Day 27


Better day today, shit stuff has been put on the backburner for now, too much living to be done for that to get in the way at the moment. Will need to be dealt with, but not now, can wait for another day!

Another one of my bug bears came back today - despite ringing the local hotline, emailing the shielding email address and deregistering on the website - my wife got another food parcel left at our door. I am wondering what our neighbours think of the situation, bloody great van pulls up across our drive and leaves a cardboard box outside, then runs away - well hopefully that will be the last one, and someone who really needs it gets the service they deserve - though seeing the speed government departments work at I'm not over hopeful.

Got another job ticked off the list today, we had another of our Amazon parcels delivered today (other shopping websites are available), a set of 3 floating shelves which I have put up in the summer house - they look pretty good - just need some more nice, warm weather so we can start to use it properly...

I have mentioned it before, but our road has been eerily quiet since the lockdown started, nearly 4 weeks ago. Living in a town house, looking out the upstairs window gives us a great vantage point.

There are very few cars about and today we saw a fox cross the road - makes a change from zebras - this one sauntered out from the man across the road's garden (you know, the one who arrived late for clapping time last Thursday) - it was unusual to see a fox in broad daylight - I've worked in London and seen the foxes wandering round early morning there. This one just sauntered across the road and disappeared into a garden on our side of the road. It was just another one of those little moments, that drags you back to reality, just for a few seconds makes you forget the gathering storm.

Thank you Basil for giving me something to smile about today...!

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