Day 25


Today's task, laying a carpet in little one's bedroom. Carpet was delivered promptly at the time the company said, all good so far.

I then tried to get the carpet up the stairs in our town house and couldn't get it round the first bend - bollocks!

I had the brainwave to unroll the carpet and reroll in the opposite direction, so instead of a 4 x 3 metre carpet I would be trying to get a 3 x 4 metre carpet up the stairs, so I took the carpet out into the garden to unroll. It was at this point that I realised the carpet had come on a giant toilet roll middle! Doh!

With the middle removed, carpet was then easily moved upstairs and laid. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself...

Had another of those moments today where you want to bang your head against a wall. Our little one has many problems, and has been put forward for an EHCP (an education, health and care plan).

Receiving this would enable him to get a placement at a local special needs school - however, the EHCP hasn't been finalised, despite the fact that today was decision day for the Primary School placements. In another of those stupid examples of the way things work this means that he has been granted a place at a mainstream school - a place he will never take, as his needs are such that he needs specialised tuition.

So a child that should have been given a place at the mainstream school has been denied it, by a child who will never go there! The system says that's the way it works, so that's alright then!

We did have a nice finish to the day, as my daughter brought round her little one, with some cup cakes they had made - it's becoming a nice little weekly routine. Mind you he didn't want the usual ice lolly dropped out of the window, he wanted one of the cup cakes he had brought round for us, and got quite stroppy when he couldn't have one! Kids and tantrums... he has certainly learned how to stamp his feet, and from a distance (upstairs window) it is quite funny...!

The 8 o'clock clap was well observed round our way again, even by the man at No. 10, who missed it last week, coming out just in time for everyone else to go in! He was obviously primed this week as he made it out and we all clapped, and banged our saucepans from a respectful social distance...

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