Day 24


Today started off as just another one of our days, tea, coffee in bed with biscuits all round. Little one watching Teletubbies on the TV in our bedroom - now just to go off on a tangent, my wife had always been against the idea of a TV in the bedroom, but of late it has been a godsend - Smart TV's are great - although too often I find that while little one has lost interest in one of his programmes, my wife and I are watching it instead.

Another thing, kids programmes are weird, and probably don't hold up to adult scrutiny, I mean for example, what the hell is Flop, Bing's "friend" and why does the Panda takes his trousers off every-time he goes out - anyway, I digress and back to our day.

It's been 3 and a half weeks, and I'm not sure what brought it about today, but the wife and I both hit the wall. It was one of those days where you just feel like crying. You don't know why, but it is just there, simmering away.

I never actually had any tears myself, and I am not sure if my wife did, away from me, but for me it was just that feeling, the feeling of hopelessness. I like to think I am normally a level headed sort of person, who doesn't generally let things get the better of them, but today I just felt like I was the brake man on a runaway train - you know the sort in disaster movies, that's loaded with dynamite or some such high explosive. Today it just seemed like my (our) lives are hurtling towards the buffers and the brakes don't work!

Fortunately this feeling did pass - our little man was in his element playing in the garden, the sun had come back out and we put some lights up in the garden, we even had time for a beer sitting in the sun - happy days!

Maybe Boris will don his Batman underpants and come to us shielders rescue, but quite frankly I can't see it (nor for that matter do I want to think of that picture that just came into my head of Boris in his or Batman's underpants).

Tomorrow can only be a better day...

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