Day 23


Another cold day in Kent, another day of shielding, another day of trying to avoid the information on the TV regarding the virus - just another day!

I'm not sue if I'm starting to get a bit cranky because of being locked up for so long, or if it's just a case of me getting cranky with old age - who knows, but I do know little things set me off.

Take today for example. When we registered my wife as vulnerable on the website it automatically triggered the food parcel deliveries that I have mentioned on previous posts. We now have access to online food deliveries, so I thought I would do the right thing and cancel the food deliveries so they can be directed to those more needy.

I unregistered us on the website last week, but still got a food parcel, so as we were given a phone number when we received our first parcel, I thought I would give them a call this morning to cancel.

Having got through to someone they were quite happy to chat and take info, but then it was the "can I talk to your wife please" - I guess they can't be too careful, as any crank could phone up and cause mischief - but it is the strange thing that having handed the phone to my wife, they could have been talking to anyone, as they didn't ask any security questions!

Hey ho! We got it sorted and were thanked for letting them know. Job ticked off. Next!

Well next was actually a call from the same department a couple of hours later. Not the same lady I had spoken to earlier, this time, after going through the "can I speak to your wife" routine again, I was advised I had to go onto the website and deregister my wife. I explained I had already done this, so they then gave me an email address to mail to get my wife unregistered… Well, it looks like I eventually got it sorted, it's just that it drags you down, nothing is simple, no-one can just "do it", there is just so much jumping through hoops to get to the end goal - probably explains why some people don't seek help in the first place, as it can be so tiring!

The rest of our day was taken up with the real mundane stuff of shielding - trying to find things to fill your day. Today was the usual, hoover the stairs and clean the bathroom (my forte). Took in another film - Godzilla - King of the Monsters, I'm a bit of a sucker for crap adventure movies, and this fit the bill on both counts.

Tomorrow is another day!

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