Day 22


Well today, being Bank Holiday Monday we fancied a trip to the coast, do some packing up, you know, sarnies, pop and crisps, jump in the car and drive off to somewhere nice, or even Leysdown! Oh, then I remembered, we can't, the country is in lockdown and we are stuck inside "shielding".

Moaning about Bank Holiday traffic seems like another life and world away - mind you the weather suddenly realised that it should play ball and it delivered for a Bank Holiday Monday, by being bloody freezing!

It's funny how quickly life changes. We seem to have visited this twice recently. When my wife was diagnosed with cancer we went through the whole "why me" scenario, it was very difficult for her to come to terms with what was going on. Things did get slightly better for her when she started her treatment, as at that point she realised it wasn't "why me" as visits to the Oncology unit at Maidstone Hospital revealed just how many people suffer from cancer, the unit is often packed and everyone there is there for the same thing - they or someone they are with has cancer!

It is these people that the government have marked amongst their most vulnerable - hence we are indoors and just dreaming of heading to the coast with our packing up!

Apart from being freezing today was a day of staying indoors. We have a lull of jobs to do, so thought today would be a good day to catch up on a film, before being busy later in the week. It was nice to pull the curtains and watch a bit of very unreal action (Jumanji the Next Level, before you ask), cuddled up on the sofa with the love of my life - a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

We did have a heartwarming moment today when my daughter sent us a video of her little one. We had sent round a couple of spare Easter eggs for him and she had recorded him saying thank you for them. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen - and made us realise that while what we are doing is difficult, at the end of the day it will all be worth it, if we all come out of this fit and well...!

Tomorrow the world goes back to work, well those that can, and I don't envy them...!

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