Day 20


I think I have mentioned that I am getting good at hoovering - so good in fact that I have now started hoovering the garden. I got to use my new boys toy, the super dooper leaf blower, vacuum and mulcher - it's really good and does the job well. Does what it says on the tin!

Funny, I used to be so super cautious of upsetting the neighbours. You know, don't hoover too early, don't put the tumble drier on before 9, don't mow the grass during the middle of the day (I made the last one up, we don't have grass), but you get the point. Now however, it has become quite clear that with people being at home more, and with the weather being nice - a lot of my neighbours are inconsiderate shits!

The man who lives at the end of our garden (not literally, his house backs onto ours), was out in his garden this morning at 7am, doing his garden! Now I am not sure exactly what he does at 7am, but it sounds like he moves piles of bricks from one part of the garden to another - and then tomorrow he will move them back... I don't get it. I don't understand how someone can be so, well stupid!

Added to that our next door neighbours like to BBQ - every bloody day of the week - we have sort of worked out they either don't have an oven, or at least know how to use it - at the moment, it's every lunchtime and often evening too! Again, not a problem, if the wind is blowing the smoke the other way, bit of a pain though when you've got your washing out to dry! Anyone for BBQ scented smalls - could be a new line for Primark this summer...

Anyway, we have nearly done another week now, we thought this was 3 down out of 12 except the wife got a letter today from her GP saying 12 weeks shielding from the date of the letter, April 10th, so that would make 15 weeks in total. To be honest, I think we will be here still then, and probably beyond - some clarity would be good though between government and doctors. I understand that some people are starting to find the whole process difficult, so yeah it would be nice if everyone was singing from the same hymn-sheet.

Talking about people finding things difficult, it seems the warm weather has made it difficult for people to follow the government recommendations / rules and just can't "stay indoors". I don't get it, try not going out at all, not seeing friends or family, try living our lives - think of the thousands that have died already, think of the families of those, if nothing else, think of the families of the NHS workers who have passed away doing a job that is difficult at the best of times, but now is literally life or death - please, just do as you're told, it could make the difference. 

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