Day 19


My wife struggles for a few days after having a chemotherapy session, as the steroids she takes during the treatment, and has to continue to take for four days after gives her insomnia - this morning she was up at 3am. Previously I have got up with her in these early morning jaunts, but the novelty has worn off and I let her get up on her own!

The difference for us, is if I got up I would be knackered later, whereas my wife has a chemically induced awake-ness, which doesn't make her tired later on. Anyway, this morning she got up at 3, had a cup of tea and started sorting things out downstairs. One of the other side effects of the chemo is she gets a foggy brain, she finds it difficult sometimes to remember the names of everyday things, and forgets what she is doing - we have got used to it, and now jot things down when we think of them, as with her chemo brain, and my old age brain, we would get nothing done, as it would all be forgotten.

She eventually came back to bed at 5, and had just settled when our little one woke at 6 - so begins another day!

Nearly 3 weeks now after the government asked the vulnerable to stay indoors the supermarkets are finally getting their shit together. The government have released a list of vulnerable people to the supermarkets and today we have received emails from Tesco, Iceland and Asda, all promising us priority slots - just as well, as it is still almost impossible to book a timed slot through the supermarket via the usual route.

I know this whole thing has been rattling along at breakneck speed, and clearly a lot of what is done is being made up as we go along, but I think it should have been possible for the government to give this information to the supermarkets sooner, mind you, I don't suppose the government expected the greedy to strip the shelves bare in the supermarkets or book up all the available shopping slots for weeks on end - at least now some sort of normality has been restored, for the vulnerable at least!

Forgot to mention yesterday that I took delivery of a new garden blower/vacuum, perfect for sucking up grass clippings and fallen leaves - which is strange, as we have no grass or any trees in our garden - what we do have is lots of decking. Now decking is a pain, as crap falls into the grooves and is a pain to get our, even with a broom or dustpan and brush - so I have bought a new toy. It has had a very quick test run yesterday when my wife was at hospital, and works well, however it is QUITE NOISY - sorry had to shout to be heard over the blower.

Our little one didn't like the noise so it's been put on hold for now until he can be taken out of earshot - having said all that, I'm looking forward to giving it a go - boys toys and all that. The father-in-law will probably appreciate a loan of this come the Autumn (I really wanted to say Fall there, but I'm not American), that's if we are out of this mess by then.

The Autumn seems a long way away, let's hope that things improve by then, not just for leaf collecting...!

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