Day 17


At last a day when I am struggling for something to say. I have found it quite easy adding something each day, but I think there are only so many times I can talk about the nice weather here in Kent, or how many times our little one has been on his trampoline, or for that matter even how good I am at cleaning the bathroom or hoovering the stairs! It's hardly gripping stuff... 

Today is more about thinking forward, not so much about what has happened today, but more about what is going to happen.

I took my wife for her blood tests at the hospital today. She is due her 5th cycle of chemotherapy this week. She didn't get a phone call to say there was a problem, and got a letter in the post to say her next cycle is scheduled for tomorrow! She is still finding it very hard going out of the house, even though the going out is for a very good reason, it is still hard leaving the sanctuary of our home and garden. She would far rather be sitting in the sun, with an ice-cream in our back garden, then sitting in a waiting room in the Oncology unit.

Having said that, she did say it wasn't too bad this time, there were only about 5 people in the waiting room, so getting her bloods done wasn't too stressful. Tomorrow sees the main event...

Hopefully one more chemo session should see her closer to getting herself clear of the cancer - however she has been told that due to the size of the original tumour she will need a course of radiotherapy to try and blast the last of it away!

This will all take time and it is likely this treatment will continue until the end of June, when the schedule is then for bi-monthly top up treatments of Obinutuzumab for up to 2 years. At that point the plan is for the cancer to be in remission. It's going to be a long path, but I know we can get there - it's been made harder by the Covid-19 virus, but we will get there together! 

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