Day 16


We seem to have slipped into our routine nicely now, and are able to pad out a few tasks to make the day go quite quickly. Today was our shopping delivery from Sainsbury's - our emails from that nice Mike Coupe, Sainsbury's CEO have finally paid off and we have been registered as vulnerable and can now get delivery slots based on this need.

We managed to book and received our first one this afternoon. The delivery was very efficient, in fact so efficient it turned up an hour early - I guess they figure no problem turning up early, as the customer ain't going anywhere! Which is so true, we're not...

At least this gave me the opportunity to do my daily task for today which was to make a bench for the summer house, it's a nice looking bench, with minimal assembly, apparently - why is it when you order something, you just know that things won't quite be the way they should! As sure as eggs is eggs I got to the last part of the assembly and realised they had sent me two part 8's, cleverly disguised by putting a part 9 sticker over the top of the part 8 sticker on the second part 8 - putting the right sticker number on it doesn't make the part right - bollocks!

Oh, forgot to mention, did the housework before the Sainsbury's delivery - well when I say "I idid the housework", what I should really say is I hoovered the stairs! The wife did the rest, but then clean stairs are very very important in a town house, as there are so many of them... I'm getting good at it!

I'm still trying hard not to look too much at the daily news bulletins - I don't need to know how many deaths there have been or how the curve is flattening out, or not. All I need to know is that we are safe - for the moment - and if I have anything to do with it, we will continue to be safe.

We are, for the most part, a stable unit. Our little one keeps us grounded, he makes us laugh, even if at times his difficulties cause us problems. For example, today I had to remove part of the foam cladding from his playhouse, as he has spent the past couple of days chewing off bits.

He's been a little devil, because he knows exactly what he is doing, even sticking his tongue out  with an offering of the bit of padding he has chewed off.  In a weird way this is good, as it clearly means that he is starting to learn, which is another positive of spending so much time together, we can see these changes, lots of little changes.

Finally, we got our letter from Boris today - I had almost forgotten we hadn't had the promised missive, until it arrived in the post today - ironic, considering the current state of our Prime Minister's health. Hopefully tomorrow will bring better news for all concerned with this virus...

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