Day 152


A grotty day here in Kent today. I think we have been so blessed with the weather of late that we have taken it for granted, so when we get a damp and windy one it sort of throws you off kilter. Mind you it didn't bother little one too much, he was still able to get out in the garden, between showers and spent a fair part of his day in the summer house watching DVD's.

I took the opportunity to catch up on a couple of phone calls today - younger grand-daughter has now left college and as from the end of August ceases to fall under education. With the current Covid situation there is little or no chance of her getting a job, so I will be helping her to sign up for Universal Credit.

This will be the third attempt at this process as I have tried previously, when she left college and then again when she turned 18, each time I was told it was too soon! So third time lucky... well it would be if I could open a bank account for her. It has so far been impossible to get an account sorted. I am sure she is not alone in not having any ID to carry this out online and as all the identity checks are done by Equifax or similar then if you haven't got the necessary, then computer says no...

Having spent 30 minutes on the phone to Barclays I was then pushed onto HMRC, as they may be able to assist with something that could qualify as identity - unfortunately, like all government departments they don't move very quickly, "letter should be with you in 2 weeks" - how blooming long does it take to put a letter in the post?

Oh, well, it helped pass the morning away...

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