Day 150


There's not something to say everyday, as it's not all beer and skittles - sometimes days just happen.

The weather had taken a turn for the worst today which meant we knew we were headed for a day indoors. At least it gave us an opportunity to give the house a good going over, it has been too hot to do the job properly for a while, so the cooler weather meant we had no excuse. Not that the house is a tip, just not been given quite the TLC it could have.

Anyway, job done. My daughter dropped round with some provisions that we had forgotten or couldn't get from our normal shop and we had a nice socially distanced chat. It has been lovely seeing more of her recently. Things seem a little more normal, even if they aren't entirely.

Following on from her visit we arranged to call them on our Portal later, to play some games over the TV - we had already tried this once, and enjoyed it, so thought we would do it again. We were amazed to find that two hours flew by, which was great as it passed by a damp afternoon.

Hopefully the forecast for tomorrow is correct and we can have another day of playing garden games...!

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