Day 149


Today was a red letter day in our household, my wife was going to get her hair cut. Now this may not sound like that much of a big thing for most, clearly hairdressers have now been open for over a month and they have been packed. For those that have been shielding the idea of going into a hairdressing salon would seem totally alien and possibly dangerous, so today my wife was getting her hair cut at her mum's by her hairdresser.

This again may be normal to some people, but having been locked away for months we weren't used to the site of people wearing masks, which her hairdresser did. I sat in the garden, with our little one, feeling like a naughty schoolboy staring through the widow watching her have her hair cut. It has been difficult for my wife, as like most women she values her hair and has hated it going grey, thinning on the chemo then growing back slightly curly! She persuaded me to dye her hair last week and today was cutting day!

It hasn't come out quite the way she would like, but her hairdresser told her hair has changed, and has thinned out, but hopefully having the cut will have got rid of the deadwood, so to speak.

I had a nice chat with my Dad today, I tried to call him this afternoon, but he was out - as it turned out with my brother and sister and their families. Today would have been my Mum's birthday and I figured that the family that was local to him would take him out, which they did. It sounds like they had a nice day, helping Dad to celebrate Mum's birthday!

Dad called me and he told me all about his day, he did get a little choked towards the end of the call, but that was only to be expected under the circumstances - it was a shame we couldn't have been there to help him get through the day, but with the current situation it's not to be!

Happy Birthday Mum...!

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