Day 148


Today was another of those, all too frequent lately, do nothing days. The weather was a mixed bag with some heavy showers and a few spells of sunshine, but not nice enough to allow us to sit in the garden or play our garden games. Never mind, there will be other days!

This lack of news to report gives me chance to have a bit of a rant. It is becoming clear that many people now seem to think that Covid no longer affects them, as they have been fed the statistics that say certain age ranges are unlikely to get it or suffer greatly from it.

We have all seen the throngs of people on the beaches and people flocking back to the pubs. It is apparent, that while the infection rates have gone up, hospitalisations and deaths continue to fall. I heard the phrase used, that this is because the virus has picked off the "low hanging fruit", as in the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.

Every day I hear or read about people moaning about the infringement on their civil liberties, questioning why restrictions are still in place - "why can't the vulnerable just stay indoors, and let the rest of us healthy get on with life" is an oft' heard cry! I sort of understand how this mentality comes about, as over the last forty years we have bred a generation who look after number one first and foremost, and screw everyone else. So clearly those moaning about their loss of liberty have had good teachers!

What they clearly don't understand is the potential danger they pose to anyone, be it relatives, their ol' Gran, a friend or work colleague who has health issues, they simply don't care. It is just left to the vulnerable to watch out for themselves, the threat to the vulnerable appears to be increasing, just at a time when the government is taking away all its assistance, shielding has ceased, and now the vulnerable are expected to go back to work and back in the firing line.

Hopefully I am wrong and things won't start to get worse again, particularly for the very vulnerable, only time and figures will tell...

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