Day 146


Well I was most disappointed today, my wife told me that if she woke early, which is quite common after her chemotherapy sessions, that she would make the other sofa that was still in bits in the lounge! Well she woke at 4.30, as the steroids woke her as usual, but failed to complete her side of the bargain! Mind you, she did bring me coffee and biscuits in bed, so that was nice.

Once up, we got stuck into the sofa making, which wasn't too bad as it went together really well. Once completed it looked good and matched in nicely with the one we built yesterday. It's quite funny though, as the seats are quite firm, and the sofa appears high off the ground, so much so that my wife struggles to get her feet on the ground - and sitting on the sofa looks a little like a female Ronny Corbett, minus the glasses and better looking!

The weather was supposed to be iffy here today, but by lunchtime there had been no sign of rain, so we decided to take a socially distanced visit to my wife's Mum and Dad's. We are getting quite good at this sitting 6 feet or so apart and had a nice hour or so in their garden, before it came over really black. We packed up and left, probably rather too quickly, and headed for home.

We got about half mile from home and the heavens opened - I am not sure I have seen such heavy rain come down in a short period of time. The local main road was turned into a river in seconds, it was quite surreal. We finally arrived home and had to sit in the car for five minutes or so to allow the rain to ease up - unfortunately it didn't - so I had to do the manly thing and rush in and get the front door open and little one in from the car - getting soaked in the process!

Unfortunately the two clothes airers full of washing that were on the decking were now soaking wet, and a lot lot wetter that when they went out there... thank heavens for the tumble drier as at least we managed to spin some of the excess water out, before starting the whole drying process again.

All in all another exciting rock and roll day here... boring days are quite nice in some ways, as they give a feeling of normal...

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