Day 145


Today was a return to treatment for my wife. Having completed her 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 2 short sessions of radiotherapy, today was the first of bi-monthly maintenance chemotherapy sessions. These are planned for the next two years, with a view to keeping the possibility of the cancer returning. Her treatments to date have all gone well, so hopefully this will be no different.

When she first started having treatment I used to join her and sit alongside her while she was hooked up to a drip! Unfortunately I am not able to join her now, due to new Covid regulations at the hospital, so she had to go through this alone - I hate leaving her there on her own, but there unfortunately isn't any choice.

I returned home to await a call to collect her, and in the meantime I waited for a delivery of our new sofas. We have spent the last couple of weeks sitting on camping chairs, the novelty of which has sadly long worn off!

The sofas did finally arrive and I managed to get one of them put together, minus the arms (the sofas, not mine), before I got a message from my wife to come and get her!

I picked her up from hospital - again all appeared to have gone well, but due to this being her first time back on chemo for nearly five months they had to administer the chemo slowly, so slowly that she was bored by the time she was good to come home - never mind, there's a sofa at home needs fitting together.

Arms completed, we settled down for the evening with just the one sofa finished - tomorrow is another day and you can't have too much excitement in one day!

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