Day 144


Well, after a restless night worrying about our road-trip, I suggested to my wife that we might like to rethink the month away schedule we had planned, and should maybe start off with something a bit more low key, like a week away. As I said, what if we booked a month away and then after 2 days hated it - that would be a long time away, not enjoying something that you have paid a lot of money to do. So a week it is. I found what looked like a decent deal from a hire company near Chichester, which covered the area we wanted to start from and booked it, as they say, no time like the present!

Well, I didn't receive any proper confirmation of the booking so checked with them to make sure everything was OK - yep, it's booked out to you I was told, and the lady who does the booking would contact me later. All good - well until 5pm when I got a message to say there had been a problem with my payment (I hadn't made one) and the order had been cancelled! Great, we had spent the day looking for campsites and planning a route, now it appeared to have all gone up in smoke. Just to cover ourselves we have booked an alternative motorhome, but it's not as big, nor is it really what we wanted. Hopefully though the situation can be resolved and we will still get the bigger motorhome we thought we had booked!

Oh, so after the trials and tribulations of booking the motor home I received a call from the company who we have bought our new sofa from. Now they are already 3 days late delivering the sofa, and today have had the temerity to tell us that as a third party delivery company are bringing our sofa, and it's shrink wrapped onto a pallet that it may not be able to be delivered to our front door and may be dropped at the kerb!

To say I wasn't impressed is an understatement. I pointed out to the poor lady on the phone what crap customer service this was, but I could hear I wasn't getting anywhere so gave up - let's see what happens when they deliver or at least attempt to deliver tomorrow!

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