Day 143


What's that old expression about the best laid plans - I was supposed to have my first foster panel virtual meeting this morning. Before this my wife was scheduled an appointment at the hospital. It was only for a Covid swab and blood test, so the hour and a quarter we had allowed for it should have been enough! Oh no it wasn't.

Unfortunately, as is always the way you don't get the full information from the hospital - so my wife went expecting to have her bloods and swab done at the same time, but oh no, swabs in one room, then join the queue for bloods - if she had known that she would have picked up a deli ticket on her way through... so as it turned out she was late coming out of the appointment, which meant I was late for my meeting - I emailed my apologies but was told the chair wanted me to be there from the start, so I missed it! 

On the upside it gave us the opportunity to go and visit our little one's Nan and Granddad, or as they like to be called Mamou and Papa - don't ask! We rushed around and got ourselves sorted in time to get to them for just after mid-day. We had a lovely socially distanced visit, sitting in their garden. It was amazing once again how quickly time goes on these sort of occasions and before we knew it we were on our way home.

During the drive down my wife had come up with her latest brainwave - "let's go on a roadtrip" - ok says I, what have you got in mind. Well it appeared what she had in mind was to hire a motorhome and trek round for a month! My first thought was National Lampoons, Wally World, Christmas Trees and bodies on the roof... Well, my initial thought was, why the hell not - then my sensible head kicked in and started working through the whatifs.

The upshot is we have got something ordered, or maybe not, as there is confusion over what we have asked for - for some reason, I am not surprised, that is pretty much our lives at the moment!

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