Day 142


There is an old expression about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks, well today, I am that old dog, and I have learned a new trick - today I used Microsoft Teams for the first time... Big deal I hear you say, well it was to me!

I have been invited to join the Brighton Foster Panel and at present their meetings are all being held virtually - hence the need to learn Teams, so today I had a short meeting with the Panel admin. Let's see if I remember it all tomorrow!

After I had finished my meeting it was time for lunch, then out in the garden to play our next session of games - this was the final day of the current session, and surprise surprise, I didn't win, at least now the wife can't say "but you always win"...

The rest of the day went the same way as so many others lately, sunshine, games, little one playing in his lily pad pool - a little bit same old same old. It's still enjoyable, but there are indications the weather is changing soon, so that should make things a little different and maybe more interesting, or varied at least!

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