Day 141


Today was a slow starter, little one was up late, which was nice, as he doesn't always stay in bed after a late night! We had our usual Asda delivery scheduled for this morning, so while killing time I checked with our sofa supplier, to make sure that our new sofas will be arriving tomorrow - and guess what, no they won't!

I can't believe that companies have such poor customer service that they just don't bother to tell you when they are going to let you down. The best they could do was offer us a delivery on Friday, so great four more nights on the camping chairs!

The rest of our day was again spent in the garden, playing our garden games and the little one splashing in his lily pad - another good day. Just can't see how much longer this can go on. Something will have to change, probably the weather, but also the way we are living, it can't carry on indefinitely, but things seem to have gone very quiet on the possibility of any vaccine coming riding over the horizon any time soon!

For now though, we will just live one day at a time and make no firm plans except to enjoy our time together!

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