Day 14


Well that's it, 2 weeks down, only 10 more weeks to go (possibly). 10 weeks, that's 70 days or 1,680 hours, only 100,800 minutes - sounds simple doesn't it.

So 2 weeks and the only time I have left our house is to take my wife to the hospital for her cancer treatment and even then I've not even got out of the car, so really just the distance from my front door to the car - about 5 metres outdoors! We have been lucky though this past two weeks, with some decent weather, which has allowed us to get out in the garden. Our little one loves his trampoline and it has helped burn off some of his energy!

The only problem is the good weather has allowed the dickheads to come out in large numbers. As hard as I try to stop them I keep getting news pings on my phone, telling me about all the people out and about, having BBQ's on the beach, sunbathing in the parks, and generally ignoring the government's advice.

I think it is only fair to say that the selfish few will make it harder for the majority, the majority that try really hard to obey the rules - mind you I do think the government have to shoulder a bit of the blame here, as once again their definition of the "rules" has been vague to say the least, and has to be constantly explained and tweaked to stop the morons taking the piss and driving 250 miles to go for a walk on Snowdonia - clearly, Snowdonia isn't 250 miles from Kent, it was just an example of the stupidity of people.

Round this way, it's more people flocking to their caravans on the Isle of Sheppey - doesn't have quite the same ring as a trip up Snowdon, does it?

Over the last 2 weeks I have got used to living in our own space. As a couple we haven't even argued, OK I lied, not that much, well no more than normal. Our little one is generally easily entertained and the two older girls - well let's just say, they are happy to live in their bedrooms, only coming out to be fed - they are the human equivalent of a hamster, stuff their faces then disappear back to their pits - actually the comparison with hamsters is quite apt, as that's what their bedrooms have started to smell like - hamster cages...

The bit I have really struggled with is not seeing my daughter and her little boy. They did pop round today to drop off two Cheeky Monkey cakes for us, while on their daily exercise. They left them in the air lock (our porch), then we chatted to them from the upstairs window. Their little man still doesn't understand why he can't go into DadDads house, but he is usually distracted when we drop an ice lolly out of the window for him - his mum is getting to be quite a good catch now, as she has caught the last two!

The day was rounded off by HRH Queen Elizabeth rallying the troops - singing the praise of the fantastic NHS staff who are putting themselves in harms way every day and asking us all to behave! Well ma'am consider it done...

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