Day 138


Little man had another good night's sleep back in his big boys bed - it was a real shame, being away where he wasn't the same happy boy at bed time. Clearly it didn't help that he had some long sleeps during the daytime, while we were away, but equally clearly he needs his bed with lots of space for him to move around and make him happy!

In a complete change of routine we had a shopping delivery on a Friday, Friday delivery sort of reactionary, living on the edge stuff - well, not really - this was set up before we went away, as we expected to be back today, rather than a couple of days early like we were. Give it a day and we have to sort out doing another delivery for Monday with Asda - roll and roll lifestyle, not sure I can cope with this...

I had a lengthy call today from Brighton Social Services. I have been asked to join the fostering panel, as a member of the public, specialising in kinship care. I have my first sit in on a virtual meeting on Wednesday, which should be very interesting.

Well the "normal" news resumed today when my wife got a letter from the hospital with a list of new appointments. Having got the radiotherapy out of the way this week she starts back on the chemotherapy next week. It seems quite rushed, coming on top of the radiotherapy, but then at the same time it isn't, as it is now four months since her chemotherapy finished.

The funny thing is she sees this as a last ditch chance to do something with her hair - it's been a strange thing, she has been very lucky with side affects from the chemotherapy, but has suffered with some hair loss - this hair has now grown back, quite fluffy and wavy - and grey! It doesn't matter how many times people say to her, grey highlights are fashionable, she clearly isn't loving the silver highlights look... so she is going to take a chance with a hair-dye on Monday, clearly in her eyes it can't make things any worse.

So today was over, little man is tucked up in bed, fast asleep - and at the moment all seems "OK" in our world - oh! apart from still sitting on camping chairs and beanbags instead of our sofa - roll on Tuesday!

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