Day 137


137 days gone - this is a ridiculous amount of time, and while for most, some semblance of "normality" has been restored during this time, for us (and other shielders) nothing has changed. Granted we had our 5 days away, which was fantastic, but all too soon the realisation hits you that nothing really has changed!

Today should have been another day of celebration. After completing her chemotherapy and the amazing results it produced, my wife had her second session of radiotherapy today. Again, this should have been such a positive, as her specialist had said she only needed the two sessions, as opposed to the 12 that it could have been.

Anyway, the second session went even quicker than the first, and she was back out to the car in no time. I must admit I hate the hospital trips, it all just feels so alien, being out and seeing people. The last few days have been so different, as apart from my brother and family we haven't seen anyone, even round the fruit farm we didn't come into contact with anyone.

We had managed to get an Iceland delivery today, at short notice, as we had come back early we had to top up a few bits, also while we were away there had been a very brief power-cut, unfortunately the freezer in our summer house is on an RC unit, so it tripped out and didn't come back on and we came home to a freezer full of defrosted ice-cream! At least it gave us the chance to restock with some different flavours...

We got little one's water lily pad out this afternoon, it was really hot in the garden and he loved the cold water, for once even ducking down to let the water wash over him, rather than just standing in it. He particularly likes it when we turn the water off and he lays down in the shallow water and splashes about, he equally loves it when we then turn the water back on - basically, to be honest, he just loves water!

We stayed out in the garden until nearly 8.30, little one was washed, in bed and asleep by 9 - so a result. Hopefully he will sleep well again tonight...!

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