Day 130


It was only after I typed the title in today that I thought, bloody hell, is it really that long, 130 days - that's over 4 months now since we have "been out". It really is hard to believe that some people moaned about the soft lockdown, where they were able to go out and about, do their daily exercise and go shopping and yet moaned like buggery about their restrictions and their loss of liberty! Try doing 4 months of it you miserable buggers - lol, can I say lol, or does that just sound like I'm chucking that in to make it sound like I'm joking!

Anyway, today was housework and shopping day. Chores like housework are ok, it's just that they seem to come round so quick - I'm sure it can't have been a week since we did this whole process, but it was - the same can be said of the supermarket shop, although to be fair at the moment we fit two of those in a week, so no it's not a week since we did this. 

We managed to fit in another leg of our summer games - it's quite close for this week's title, and we have another game to play from Saturday, so we will have 7 games to play, plus Yahtzee. Next week should be fun!

Well, as I mentioned before the new sofa, that looked lovely, has now gone - the courier company came and collected them this afternoon. We only have one more night of sitting on the current blend of camping chairs and bean bags, before hopefully we can see some light at the end of the tunnel - in the form of a new sofa and comfy chair...

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