Day 129


Well today was another hospital day, my wife was going in for a CT scan, before she starts her radiotherapy and to have a tattoo done to locate where the radiotherapy needs to be targeted. My wife already has a number of "normal" tattoo's but was a bit nervous about this one. As it turned out she didn't need to worry, the tattoo is no bigger than the head of a pin!

While she was in the hospital waiting to be seen our little one got a bit fed up sitting in his car seat, so we got out and had a little stroll around the car park and onto the grass surrounds. He just loves being out in the fresh air, he really loves the wind in his face and the sun in his eyes. It was lovely seeing him just wandering around without a care in the world.

My wife reappeared and we all headed for the mother-in-laws house for a socially distanced cup of tea and biscuits in their garden. It was nice seeing the pair of them again, but it still seems really weird, the keeping our distance, not being able to hug or given them a goodbye kiss when we left. It was though, a nice way to spend an hour or so. The funniest part of the visit for me though is the fact that father-in-law has now got so used to our little one's little foibles that he empties the bird baths before we get there as he knows that otherwise he will spend all his time with his hands and face in the water, our little one that is, not the father-in-law!

I did my usual bout of deadheading, much to everyone's amusement, it's just a thing with me, I just can't stand to see hanging baskets or pots with dead flowers in. In the past I have even been known to deadhead plants in hanging baskets, while sitting outside pubs or in their beer gardens, usually much to my company's annoyance...

We headed home to play the next round of our family games in the garden, while little one plodded up and down, from his play hut, to the summer house to the trampoline and round and round, all the time carrying his tablet like it was his briefcase. As I said before he just loves being outside, I am not quite sure what we are going to do when the weather changes and we can't get out so much. I am guessing a good pair of wellies and a puddle suit may help.

Late this evening a new game arrived, to add to our ever growing collection. When we go away I think our top box will be filled with just games - not sure where we are putting our cases and bags...

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