Day 128


Well, I am currently sitting in a camping chair in our front room, while the wife is sitting on a giant garden bean bag - this isn't a new choice in minimalistic furniture, but the consequence of my wife not getting on with our lovely new sofa and snuggle chair - the new sofa had given her a really bad back! The great thing is, the company we bought it from has a 30 day money back return guarantee, so off it goes back to Snug Sofa on Thursday. Shame, as it looked really nice and was a posh looking sofa...

So that was this morning taken up, packing the sofa's back into the collection of boxes. All now neatly stored in the garage awaiting collection. Never mind, we have a new sofa and large chair coming in early August, so only a couple of weeks without any real furniture.

We spent pretty much the rest of the day in the garden, although I did have a couple of calls to make. Little one's school  appear happy to defer him for a year, but it appears you have to jump through hoops first. I had to talk to the Speech and Language Therapy team, regarding little one's Educational Health Care Plan and what they could continue to do for him, while Covid is still making life difficult. It was a very good chat and put me in good stead for my next call, to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

The SEN was very happy with the information I was able to provide regarding the Speech and Language issue, and said she would liaise with school to try and get a place held for little one for September 2021 - that seems such a long way, but we all know it will come round so quick...! It is just so tiresome going through all these stages, as much as I like looking after kids, with their own little problems, it does drain you after a while...

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