Day 127


Today was grand-daughter's 18th birthday - it seems amazing that we have now been looking after this vulnerable young lady for 8 years, someone who was pleased they got an Amazon voucher for their birthday, so they could get Trolls 1 & 2 on DVD, bless her.

We spent the day trying to make things a little bit special for her. It was a difficult start as the weather was pretty rubbish to begin with, although the sun shone on us, literally later on and we were able to play our usual garden games.

She had asked if she could have a chicken and chips combo for her birthday tea and had spent the week looking for different varieties of chips and different shapes of coated chicken! Add to that her persistent enquiries as to what types of fizzy drinks the various supermarkets do and it was starting to all wear a little thin, bless her - again! 

My daughter came round with her partner and their little one. They are going up to see her grandmother, 'oop North, and my wife wanted to give their little one some pennies to spend. He was in his element when he got 10 monies in a card (£10 to you). I'm not quite sure what he thinks he is going to spend it on, but he was clearly delighted.

After they went our mixed chicken dinner was ready - to be honest, it went really well, even our little one joined in and helped himself to a couple of nuggets and some chips. Add to that the banoffee pie I had made, and it was a good tea all round.

We finished the day off with a karaoke session - with grand-daughter joining in and leading on One Direction numbers, which fortunately I don't know too well, so I was happy to take a back seat.

It was a good day - and hopefully she enjoyed herself.

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