Day 126


Today was a red letter day, a first in 126 days - we went out for a walk. I know this may not seem like a big deal for most, but for us it was a massive, massive do!

The 4 of us went out, little one in his buggy and the rest of us walking, rather tentatively to start with. It was weird, we hadn't done this going out lark, so wasn't really sure what to expect. Clearly we had an understanding of social distancing, and that people are pretty good at keeping out of your way when you go out. To be fair we didn't really see anyone to avoid. 

Our walk took us up to the local cym (cemetery to you and me, must be a local thing), we walked round the inside boundary of the cym and enjoyed just being out in the fresh air, being normal...! My wife said it was strange, as we used to walk a lot before lockdown, but clearly since we haven't had the opportunity lately she was finding it hard on the legs. We were only out for half hour, but at least we got out. Being normal...

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