Day 125


After a good day yesterday the reality of the shit going on at home returned. It doesn't seem to matter how hard we try to forget what has happened, it is difficult when you feel like you have been so badly let down, after years of doing your best. We are still not clear exactly what is being said, and to who, but hopefully I can get some answers and actually get an idea of what is going on!

Anyway, back to the nicer parts of today - it was set up to be a rainy day here, so much so that after lunch I fired up the karaoke, with the view to entertaining myself and the little one - he loves Granddad doing the karaoke, and finds it hilarious for some reason...

The weather did dry up, long enough for us to play today's games, which was fun, the weather breaking just as we completed the last of the outside games - we finished off by playing Yahtzee indoors - games over!

It rained hard for a while, but little one was quite happy to sit in the summer house, watching his tablet and the TV, while we sat in the kitchen chatting and keeping an eye on him from a distance. Considering the weather it wasn't a bad day really, after all...

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