Day 123


Today was a bit more like a normal day today - no dramas, no celebrations, just another day of shopping deliveries and fun and games in the garden.

We put up our new sofas yesterday, now our little one has decided they make a great crawl through space - he gets behind the snug chair, lays on the floor and commando crawls through to the other side - it looks like the chair is giving birth to him! To make matters worse, he continues to crawl across the room until his head hits the radiator cover... well that's a good way to stop yourself, by hitting a wall!

We have got so much nto a routine of late, that we have got used to our Sainsbury's delivery arriving early, despite booking for between 1 and 2, it has arrived early each time for the past few weeks. Each time it has arrived we have been having lunch, so this time I hesitated having lunch, just in case they turned up - but such as sod's law goes they turned up late! Never mind, they brought me a very nice looking bottle of whisky, extra peaty, just the way I like it...

Lunch and delivery done we settled to play our games - half way through my daughter messaged to say that she was outside, with a loaf of bread for us, as despite having just taken in a delivery, we had managed to forget to order bread... Her little one is so desperate to get into Nanny and Dad Dad's house, he inches closer, gets his foot on our doorstep and looks all innocent "wanna go in" - it breaks your heart. Mind you daughter was a bit more canny today, as she came to the door with him clutching an ice cream, so his attention was drawn to that for most of the visit!

The highlight of the day was the expected call from my wife's radiographer - she had been told she would get a call to explain the next stage of her treatment. A bit like today's Sainsbury's delivery the call was late - it's not nice to be kept waiting when you are expecting news that could have far reaching effects - however, on this occasion we didn't mind too much, as the news all appreared good.

The radiographer wants to carry out just 2 sessions of radiotherapy, for 15 minutes at a time, as opposed to the possibilty of 12 sessions which could have been on the cards. Real positive news. He was very good as he even explained, in so much better terms, my wife's condition, and previous findings. Hopefully the treatment will be carried out and completed within the next 4 weeks...

A good way to end the day as far as we were concerned!

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